Fellowship Foundation


What example did Jesus set for humanity?

When He was asked, “What is the work of God?”, He responded that the work was to believe in the one whom God had sent, that is to believe in Him. (John 6:29) Our common denominator is that we first work on ourselves to love God, to love our families, to love one another, and to seek to follow Jesus, as He is a great example in caring for others.

When people asked Jesus various questions, He seldom answered directly and often responded “come and see” or “follow me”. (John 1:38-39, 43) He was inviting them to fellowship with Him in small groups away from the crowd by working together, eating together, traveling together and resolving problems together. He was at the center of their devotion and their activities. When His disciples asked if they should oppose those who were not in their camp he told them, “No”. (Mark 9:38-39)

During the Last Supper he told his disciples “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35).

When the person of Jesus is examined apart from all the history and trappings of religion, people who would otherwise be alienated from religion in general and from each other in particular find common ground to build understanding, friendships and commitments. Jesus promised if He would be lifted up He would draw all people to himself. (John 12:32) Any group that focuses on Jesus instead of on their differences, problems or limitations will find the truth of his teaching that “nothing is impossible with God”. (Matthew 19:26)